Keyword research is at the core of any successful SEO strategy, enabling businesses to identify keywords with high search engine interest but low competition levels. A great way to do this is using tools like Ahrefs or Moz’s Keyword Explorer; both provide lists of potential keywords along with their volume, competition level and other details. Once you know which ones are worth targeting it’s time to plan how best to create content around these words so they rank well in Google.

As tempting as it may be to target the most sought-after keywords, sometimes targeting less well-known but easier-to-rank-for ones may actually prove more successful in driving traffic and sales. To identify such less well-known but more valuable phrases, start by viewing Google’s top results – this will give an idea of your competitors and how they rank for those keywords.

Once you have an understanding of what your competitors are doing, you can begin considering ways to differentiate your website from theirs. In order to do this successfully, it’s essential that you comprehend all of the buyer intents users search for with each keyword search term – this will allow you to craft content specifically targeted towards each keyword search query while simultaneously selecting a website type which will best attract its target visitors.

To understand user intent for any keyword, conducting a simple experiment can help. Log into your GSC and navigate to the Performance Report; here, click “Impressions” tab for keywords with high impression counts on Google; this should give an idea of which ones your competitors are targeting and what content works well for them.

User intent can also be determined by typing keywords directly into search engines yourself and watching what kind of results come back. Make a habit out of doing this for every keyword that comes your way so that you’re always matching up the right buyer intent with content creation.

When targeting visitors with commercial or transactional intent, conversion-optimized landing pages are key. But for informational queries, it may be more effective to focus on blog posts and content that engage people in the awareness stage of the buyer journey.

This step-by-step guide will show you how to conduct keyword research for seo. By following its steps, you will be able to select the right keywords for your business and implement an effective keyword strategy that drives traffic and increases revenue. If you haven’t done so already, sign up with Ahrefs or Moz for free accounts and follow this guide to start researching keywords for SEO! Once set up, get searching!