Pet owners are increasingly opting to bring their animals on cruises. There are various reasons for this trend, such as wanting a relaxing trip while simultaneously sharing it with beloved furry family members. To ensure a smooth journey for both sides, adequate preparation is key: this includes researching requirements and restrictions of both cruise line and port of entry as well as making sure their animal remains healthy and well behaved while aboard; additionally it is wise to keep an emergency supply of food and water available just in case any unexpected incidents or delays arise.

Cunard offers transatlantic cruises between New York and England and features a dedicated kennel at an estimated cost of between $800-$1000 per voyage – this may seem expensive; but pet owners willingly make such investments for the experience it brings their pets along for their journey in comfort.

Regional ferry lines also allow pet-owners to bring their dogs aboard. For instance, DFDS sails across Europe and allows customers to bring their pups – making this option significantly less expensive than flying with them; though their pet must remain confined within its kennel for the entirety of the journey.

Other cruise lines impose stricter guidelines regarding which animals can travel onboard, often requiring registration as either an emotional support animal or service animal before admitting pets onto board. This may be necessary with small breeds who pose potential safety risks to other animals aboard; larger pets cannot enter, due to damage they could do to vessel interior.

Check Pet Amenities: Cruise lines typically offer pet amenities such as play areas, food and water bowls, bedding, toys, leashes and a special pet deck for their passengers’ furry friends. Before booking a cruise trip for yourself and your furry companion, inquire about these features to determine which are available. Additionally, ensure your dog’s vaccinations are up to date by visiting a veterinarian prior to going aboard; this will decrease the chance of any disease outbreak on board ship.

Cruising with your pet can be an unforgettable experience, but proper preparation is crucial. Check to make sure all vaccinations have been administered and that it’s in good health before setting sail. Also keep your dog on a leash in public areas and take regular bathroom breaks outside. Finally, it is crucial that you clean up after your pet and be considerate to other guests on board the ship – these tips will ensure a fun cruise and a safe journey home!