Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual currencies that enable people to transfer value online without the assistance of banks or payment processors, thanks to cryptographic systems like elliptical curve encryption and public-private key pairs. Popular cryptocurrencies include Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin which have grown increasingly popular as people seek alternatives to expensive, slow and vulnerable financial architecture which often exposes people to hacking attacks and other forms of cyber crime.

Most cryptocurrencies are developed on decentralized networks that utilize blockchain technology, with blockchain records acting as a record that verifies their transactions’ legitimacy compared to traditional bank ledgers which cannot be altered. This characteristic makes cryptocurrencies unique and potentially valuable.

Global networks of computers utilizing free software run by these networks use blockchain, or transaction records, which anyone can access and verify. This list records every time someone sends or receives cryptocurrency as well as their balance in each individual account. Blockchain transactions are encrypted and recorded sequentially – each block referencing its predecessor – which ensures no one transaction can be reversed without altering all records and potentially subjecting its original owner to fraud or theft.

Once a cryptocurrency is purchased, it’s added to a wallet on the blockchain and becomes part of their holdings. A wallet contains private and public keys identifying its owner that allow for easy transfer between wallets or exchanges; many people also buy and sell through brokers which provides more liquid investment options in volatile assets.

Cryptocurrency has gained considerable attention due to its price volatility, yet can serve numerous other functions. Its borderless nature allows international trade even in countries with tight government controls or inflation; additionally it can store value anonymously or even be used for anonymous purchases.

Cryptocurrencies offer investors long-term returns. Yet their price fluctuations can be unpredictable; many investors have lost money when investing just before a cryptocurrency crash occurred. Furthermore, such wild fluctuations in value undermine the fundamental ideals behind their creation.

One risk associated with cryptocurrency investments is their non-regulated status as securities or currencies; without being protected against loss by an insurer like banks or similar institutions, selling your cryptocurrency can become more challenging, while your investment could even be stolen by third parties or stored with exchanges that offer custodial services, where any breach could cause irreparable harm to your portfolio.